Have a happier pelvic floor by focusing on...
Healthy Hydration.
Ensure that you are drinking enough water to keep your bladder and pelvic floor muscles happy! Aim for about 2 litres per day and make extra sure that you are drinking water when consuming popular bladder irritants like caffeine and alcohol. Inadequate fluid intake can actually contribute to conditions like incontinence and urinary urgency.
Positive Poops.
Make sure to stay on top of your bowel movements as constipation can negatively affect your pelvic floor muscles! Reduce pushing during a poop, ensure adequate fibre and water intake, and try using a squatty potty to elevate your legs! Prolonged constipation often contributes to conditions like low back pain or pelvic pain.
More Movement.
Get moving on a daily basis. When you exercise any part of your body, you are also exercising the pelvic floor muscles! A bonus is to pay more attention to lower body movements and focus on how you are breathing when exercising. Discover how movement can help you achieve a happier pelvic floor.
Intentional Inhales.
Have you ever paid attention to how you breathe? Do you hold your breath often? Are your shoulders moving a lot when you inhale? Try diaphragmatic breathing by expanding your ribcage into all directions as you inhale. If you aren't sure how to start breathing better, a pelvic floor physio can help!
Release Rigidity.
Notice if you are tensing certain areas of your body...and let that tension go. Common regions that tend to get too rigid include the pelvic floor, bum, belly, and jaw. Muscles need to be able to relax and contract to support our body. A pelvic health physio can also use manual therapy techniques to assist in releasing muscle and tissue tension.
WANT TO LEARN MORE? Make an appointment with our pelvic health physiotherapist or set up a complimentary discovery call today!